Relational Operators
Equality or relational operator in JSP Expression Language is used to check the values returned by two expressions or operands. Comparisons can also be done with other values like boolean, string, integer, or floating point literals.
1. Equal ( == or eq)
2. Not Equal (!= or ne)
3. Less than (< or lt)
4. Less than or equal (<= or le)
5. Greater than (> or gt)
6. Greater than or equal (>= or ge)
S.No | Logic | Expression | Result | Symbol |
1 | Equal | ${10.0==10} or ${10.0 eq 10} | true | == or eq |
2 | Not Equal | ${10.0 != 10} or ${10.0 ne 10} | true | != or ne |
3 | Less than | ${2<3} or ${4 lt 6} | true | < or lt |
4 | Less than or equal | ${2 <= 4} or ${2 le 4} | true | >= or le |
5 | Greater than | ${3.2 > 2} or ${3.2 gt 2} | true | > or gt |
6 | Greater than or equal | ${3.2 > -2} or ${3.2 ge 2} | true | >= or ge |
Logical Operators
S.No | Logic | Symbol | Expression | Result |
1 | And | and or && | ${true and false}or ${true && false} | flase |
2 | Or | or or || | ${true or false} or $ {true || false} | True |
3 | Not | not or ! | ${not false} or ${! false} | True |
Conditional Operator
1. ${ (3<4) ? “yes” : “no” } Output: yes
2. ${ (true = = false) ? “Right” : “wrong”} Output: wrong
empty Operator :
$ {empty object}
· if object does not exists
· object is an empty array
· object is an empty string
· object is an empty collection.
In all other cases it returns false
$ {empty abcd} true
$ {empty “abcd”} false
$ {empty null} true
EL Operator Precedence
1. 1. Unary Operator:- !, empty
2. Arithmetic Operators:-
3. *, /, %, +, -.
4. Relational Operators
5. Logical Operators
6. Conditional Operators
EL Reserved Words
tue, false, null, empty, instanceOf, it, lt, ge, le, ne, eq,and,or,not,mod,div.
EL Vs Number
EL behaves very nicely with null.
· In arithmetic operators it is treated as zero.
· In string evaluation it is treated as empty string.
· In Boolean operators it is treated as false.
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