JSP Application Implicit Object

1.    The JSP implicit application object is an instance of a java class that implements the javax.servlet.ServletContext  interface.
2.    It gives facility for a JSP page to obtain and set information about the web application in which it is running.
Methods of Application Object:
There are numerous methods available for Application object. Some of the methods of Application object are:

1.getAttribute(String name)
The method getAttribute of Application object is used to return the attribute with the specified name.
The method getAttributeNames of Application object is used to return the attribute names available within the application.
3.setAttribute(String objName,
Object object)
The method setAttribute of Application object is used to store the object with the given object name in the application.
4.removeAttribute(String objName)
The method removeAttribute of Application object is used to remove the name of the object mentioned in parameter of this method from the object of the application.
The method getMinorVersion of Application object is used to return the minor version of the Servlet API for the JSP Container.
The method getServerInfo of Application object is used to return the name and version number of the JRun servlet engine.
7.getInitParameter(String name)
The method getInitParameter of Application object is used to return the value of an initialization parameter.
The method getInitParameterNames of Application object is used to return the name of each initialization parameter.
The method getResourceAsStream of Application object is used to translate the resource URL mentioned as parameter in the method into an input stream to read.
The method log of Application object is used to write a text string to the JSP Container’s default log file.
The method getMajorVersion of Application object is used to return the major version of the Servlet API for the JSP Container.

 Add this piece of code in web.xml



<%@ page session="true" %>
<table border2>
out.println("<tr><td>Major version: </td><td>" + application.getMajorVersion()+"</td></tr>");
out.println("<tr><td>Minor version:</td><td> " + application.getMinorVersion()+"</td></tr>");
out.println("<tr><td>Servlet engine version </td><td>" + application.getServerInfo()+"</td></tr>");
out.println("<tr><td>User init parameter: </td><td>" +application.getInitParameter("user")+"</td></tr>");
out.println("<tr><td>SITE </td><td>" + application.getAttribute("SITE")+"</td></tr>");


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