Request Implicit Object


1.    For each request  the JSP engine creates a new object to represents that request called request object. 
2.    The request object is an instance of  class  javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest .
3.     The request object contains all information about the HTTP header, query string, cookies.
4.     Be noted that request object only available in a scope of the current request. It is re-created each time new request is made.

Methods of request Object:

There are numerous methods available for request Object. Some of them are:

The getCookies() method of request object returns all cookies sent with the request information by the client. The cookies are returned as an array of Cookie Objects.
2.getHeader(String name)
The method getHeader(String name) of request object is used to return the value of the requested header.
The method getHeaderNames() of request object returns all the header names in the request.
4.getAttribute(String name)
The method getAttribute() of request object is used to return the value of the attribute. The getAttribute() method returns the objects associated with the attribute.
The method getAttribute() of request object is used to return the object associated with the particular given attribute.
The getMethod() of request object is used to return the methods GET, POST, or PUT corresponding to the requested HTTP method used.
7.getParameter(String name)
getParameter() method of request object is used to return the value of a requested parameter.
The getParameterNames() method of request object is used to return the names of the parameters given in the current request.
9.getParameterValues(String name)
The getParameter(String name) method of request object was used to return the value of a requested given parameter.
The getQueryString() method of request object is used to return the query string from the request.
The getRequestURI() method of request object is used for returning the URL of the current JSP page.
The getServletPath() method of request object is used to return the part of request URL that calls the servlet.
The setAttribute method of request object is used to set object to the named attribute.
The removeAttribute method of request object is used to remove the object bound with specified name from the corresponding session.


<%@ page import = " java.util.* " %>
<title>Getting a header in Jsp</title>
Enumeration enumeration = request.getHeaderNames();
out.print("<table border= 2>");
while (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) {
String string = (String)enumeration.nextElement();
out.println("<tr><td><h3>" +string +":</h3></td><td><h3> " + request.getHeader(string)+ "</h3></td></tr>");


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